Applying for earnings-related allowance in Nettikassa
The Nettikassa service can be used to easily submit applications for earnings-related allowance and attachments to the unemployment fund. In Nettikassa, you can also message the employees handling your application and follow your application’s progress.
Login to Nettikassa using your online bank user ID and password. After logging in, apply for the allowance under Hae etuutta (see image 1).
Image 1
If the application period only has days on which you did no work, you do not need to make changes to the application.
If there are days on which you have worked or days of sick leave, employment-promoting activities, unpaid leave, or similar, you need to edit the application before sending. Write down the days and hours you have worked for each employer exactly as they happened. Do not write down days and hours you have worked in your own part-time business.
Guide to filling in the application when you have days with hours worked or other things to note:
Fill in the application normally but under section “Tiedot haettavalta ajalta”, select Muokkaa hakujaksoa (see image 2)
Image 2
Under the heading “Hakujakson aikana olen ollut pääasiassa”, write down the activities that apply to you, such as laid off temporarily (lomautettu), working (työssä), in employment-promoting activities (TE-palvelussa), etc. See image 3.
Note! If you selected that you have been working, enter the employer’s name in the field that opens. After pressing JATKA to continue, you can then fill in the days and hours worked in the table.
Image 3
Under each day in the table, write down what you have done (see image 4) and fill in the rest of the application. After this, select “Allekirjoita ja hyväksy” to sign and submit the application.
Kuva 4
If you need to send us attachment files without an application, you can do so from the home page in Nettikassa under “Lähetä liitteitä” see image 1.