Supporting documents
We need the following documents concerning your situation
- Employment contract for the work before your unemployment
- Employment contract for part-time work if you are working part-time
- Notice of termination if you have been dismissed or resigned
- Agreement on the termination of employment
- Payslips or wage certificate covering a period of at least six months, in other words the 26 weeks that fulfil the employment requirement immediately before your unemployment. We use information in the Incomes Register whenever possible.
- Report of weekly hours if your hours vary based on your employment contract (for example, you have a zero-hour contract or are called in to work when needed).
- Layoff notice if you have been temporarily laid off
- Latest confirmed tax decision, including itemised part if you have a business or are engaged in agricultural or forestry activities
- Decision on social security benefits, such as part-time pension
- Adjusted tax card for the allowance, unless we already have your latest tax information. You can see your tax information in Nettikassa
In most cases, the unemployment fund receives information from the Incomes Register. If necessary, you will be asked to provide your payslips. We often need your payslips if you have worked on an hourly rate.
The fund will ask for any other necessary documents once your application is processed.