Waiting period
After you have met the employment requirement, there is usually a waiting period before the allowance is paid. The waiting period is equal to seven weekdays without work and must be fulfilled within eight consecutive calendar weeks.
If you meet the employment requirement on Monday and are then entirely without work, the waiting period is from Tuesday to the following Wednesday. After the waiting period, you can be paid the daily allowance unless prevented by some other obstacle. The waiting period accrues from days for which you would be entitled to the earnings-related daily allowance. Note that you need to be registered as an active jobseeker during the waiting period. The waiting period can be started when the effect of any holiday compensation for full-time work on the unemployment benefit has first been taken into account.
As a general rule, the waiting period can be imposed no more than once a year after you meet the employment requirement.
Example: If you work 50% of full time. Your waiting period is around three weeks after the beginning of calculation of the waiting period.
An exception is that if you participate in employment-promoting services during the waiting period, you are paid the allowance also for these days.