Earned income you receive while unemployed are taken into account on a payment basis. This means that your earnings affect the application period during which they are paid.
EXAMPLE: If you work in August, the wages you earn in August are taken into account when they are paid. If the payday is in August, the earnings reduce your allowance for August. If the payday is in September, the earnings reduce your allowance for September even if the work was done in August.
Adjusted allowance uses up your the maximum days of allowance at a slower rate than if you are entirely unemployed. The adjusted allowance before taxes paid over the application period is divided by the amount of your full earnings-related allowance to determine the number of days which the adjusted allowance uses up your maximum days of allowance.
EXAMPLE: Your full earnings-related allowance is 50 euros per day and in August, you receive a total of 741.84 euros in adjusted allowance. This uses 14 days from your maximum days of allowance (741.84/50=14.84).
Your worked hours are taken into account based on when the wages are paid. You can receive an adjusted allowance if your hours are up to 80% of the maximum hours in the industry.
EXAMPLE: You work a total of 140 hours of gig jobs in September. You are paid for the work on 15 October 2021. A full-time employee works a total of 38.25 hours weekly. 80% of the maximum monthly hours in the industry is 131.58 hours. Your hours exceed the maximum and your application for the period 1 October–31 October 2021 is rejected on the basis of the hours you worked in September.
You are paid a full allowance for September’s application period unless you received earned income in September.